Udaipur To Chittorgarh Taxi
If you want to go to udaipur to chittorgarh taxi service,than you are right place.Here you can find best fare of udaipur to chittorgarh taxi by Udaipur car hire services. Our udaipur to chittorgarh taxi fare starts from 1800Rs all including all charges for sedan ac cab.You can book our services by call or mail us.We have all payments options like paytm phonpe gpay or credit card.Chittorgarh Fort
Chittorgarh Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with four other forts of Rajasthan – Kumbalgarh Fort, Jaisalmer Fort, Amer Fort,Ranthambore Fort and is one of the largest fortresses in the country.The Chittorgarh Fort is a must see place in Rajasthan. To experience this magical world, you could make a trip from udaipur to chittorgarh by Road. But going there you will go through the beautiful countryside dotted with farmlands and small towns. You would want a vehicle which can take you there in comfort and also enjoy the beauty around. Built on a top on hillock in the 5th century, it oversees the sleepy town and was strengthened by different rulers over a period of time. There are seven gates and over 65 monuments, including four palaces, four memorials and fifteen temples. Victory towers dot the skyline.There was a time when there were over eighty water bodies around the landscape but now you can see over twenty of them.Chittorgarh, also known as Chittor, is a city in Mewar region of Rajasthan state in western India. Located in the foothills of the Aravalli Range, it was once the capital of the Mewar kingdom. It is a popular tourist destination, with major sights including the hilltop Chittorgarh Fort, palace gardens, Jaimal Moti hill temple dedicated to Lord Rama, Karni Mata Temple, Padmini's Palace and Kolvi Island Mewar Havelis.
Places of Chittorgarh Fort :
Meera Temple
Fateh Prakash Palace
Kalika Temple
Padmini Mahal etc..
Distance & Time :
The distance of chittorgarh from udaipur airport is 95 km and it takes 2 hours drive by Ac cab.
For Udaipur to chittorgarh taxi fare services you can easily book a taxi in great price.Udaipur Car Hire services arrange taxi services for chittorgarh from Udaipur. We also provides taxi for udaipur airport to chittorgarh and chittorgarh to Udaipur taxi service.
Udaipur to Chittorgarh Taxi Fare
Car Types | Capacity | Udaipur to Chittorgarh taxi fare |
Sedan AC Car | Maximum 4 pax | Rs 2000-2200 |
Innova AC Car | Maximum 6 pax | Rs 3000-3500 |
Tempo Traveller (AC) | Maximum 14 pax | Rs 4500-5000 |